Familias Anfitrionas en Cork

Encuentra la Familia Anfitriona perfecta en Cork para la estancia vacacional de tu hijo

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Las mejores Familias Anfitrionas en Cork

Estas son nuestras familias anfitrionas mejor valoradas en Cork. Proporcionarán la estancia perfecta en Cork, Irlanda, para tu hijo. ¡Tienen perfiles increíbles y están deseosos de responder cualquier pregunta!

Grandes cosas que hacer en Cork

¡Estas son algunas de las mejores actividades para jóvenes que hacer en Cork!

English Market
English Market

Sumérgete en la vibrante atmósfera del mercado inglés de la ciudad de Cork. Este histórico mercado de alimentos es de entrada gratuita y ofrece un deleite sensorial. Pasee por sus bulliciosos pasillos, pruebe productos locales y disfrute del animado ambiente de este centro cultural y culinario.

Cork City Gaol
Cork City Gaol

Realice una visita autoguiada por el exterior y el patio de ejercicios de Cork City Gaol, que se pueden explorar de forma gratuita. Esta antigua prisión, ahora museo, ofrece una visión de la historia penal de Irlanda y una experiencia arquitectónica única.

Fota Wildlife Park
Fota Wildlife Park

Disfrute de los impresionantes terrenos del Fota Wildlife Park, donde podrá caminar por los senderos exteriores y ver animales de todo el mundo. Si bien se cobra una tarifa de entrada para ingresar al parque, aún puedes apreciar los jardines, las áreas de picnic y los hermosos paisajes del parque desde fuera del área paga.

Más excelentes Familias Anfitrionas en Cork

Aquí hay más excelentes familias anfitrionas en Cork, Ireland. Estas familias ofrecen la estancia perfecta en Cork, Ireland

Gana €1,100 como Familia Anfitriona en Cork

Conviértete en una familia anfitriona en Cork y gana €1.100 alojando a un solo huésped durante dos semanas. Estamos disponibles 24/7 y encantados de ayudarte con todo, desde el registro hasta el pago. Empoderamos a nuestras familias anfitrionas para decidir a quién y cuándo hospedar. Puedes hablar con jóvenes ansiosos por viajar antes de que reserven para asegurarte de que encajan perfectamente en tu familia.

Comienza a ser anfitrión

Tus preguntas, respondidas

Summer camps in Ireland take place primarily in July and August, although there are some camps available in June.
Living with a host family in Ireland is possible all year round. If you choose to travel during the school year, it is advised to combine your trip with a school stay with Famworld. If your stay takes place during the summer months, we advise enrolling in summer camps in Ireland.
To book your stay with a host family in Ireland, simply follow this link. You will choose the host family and activities before booking.
We have a network of over 1,200 host families in Ireland, ranging everywhere from our Dublin host families to our Cork host families. We make it a priority to visit all of our families prior to them hosting, in order to make sure that they are up to the Famworld standard as well as ensuring they complete and pass the Police vetting procedure. Please review our triple vetting process here .
Either your host family in Ireland or a member of the Famworld team will be there to meet and greet you when you arrive.
Summer camps in Ireland are uniquely designed to allow you to discover Irish life and connect with local Irish people, all while living with a host family in Ireland. These activities coupled with their day-to-day life with a host family in Ireland, will lead to your English language greatly improving.
A language immersion stay is designed to immerse you into Irish life and culture with a host family in Ireland as their personal guide. They will spend their days with the family doing normal day-to-day activities, attending local sporting events and going on family day trips etc. The aim is to significantly improve your conversational English through a lived experience with their host family in Ireland, and for them to have fun in the process.
If you are interested in a boarding school stay please visit Hebe Education</a >
If you are interested in a boarding school stay please visit Hebe Education</a >
Yes, it is possible to get English lessons while staying with a host family in Ireland. A qualified English teacher will come to your host family’s home to provide one-to-one tuition. There is an extra charge for this service.
Summer camps in Ireland are primarily targeted at Irish people, and the first language of over 90% of those attending these camps is English. This ensures that you will be immersed in English for the duration of their stay, allowing them plenty of opportunities to practice and improve their conversational English. Outside of camp hours, they will be with their chosen host family in Ireland where they will converse in English continually.

¿Busca una familia anfitriona en Irlanda?

Look no further! From Dublin host families to Donegal host families, our Famworld host families span the length and breadth of the country.