Encuentra tu familia anfitriona perfecta

Más de 4.000 familias anfitrionas confiables y acogedoras en toda Europa

Familias de confianza en todas partes

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Recuerdos que perduran

Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip

Para Empresas

Escuelas de idiomas y agencias

Las escuelas de idiomas y agencias obtienen acceso a más de 4.000 familias anfitrionas de confianza en toda Europa a tarifas aún más asequibles.
Nuestras familias están doblemente verificadas y ubicadas a menos de 45 minutos de sus escuelas.
Proporcionamos soporte 24/7 y manejamos requisitos especiales, eliminando completamente la carga para su equipo.

How Famworld works

Cómo funciona Famworld

Saber más

A tale of two families

Famworld was founded by two tight-knit families who realised young people should be able to explore the world freely and safely.


Start hosting


Hosting has never been easier. With Famworld you have complete control over who you host and when you host. With Famworld you host on your terms.
Famworld host families are supported from the moment they sign up as a host family to the moment they stop hosting. We have staff available day and night to answer any questions and help deal with any issues that may arise.

Garda vetting

We've built a comprehensive vetting solution to ensure our families offer the highest standards of trust and safety.
We are now bringing this technology, free of charge, to other organisations who require fast and accurate vettings.


Feel at home, no matter where you come from