Study holidays, becoming fluent in English for a successful career

Study holidays, becoming fluent in English for a successful career

If you find yourself weighing the benefits of language immersion, undecided about whether or not to send your child on an English-speaking holiday, you need to understand the benefits first. Learning a new language has many positive aspects. Not only does it broaden horizons and promote cultural understanding, it can also significantly improve career options.

Multilingualism is assuming an increasing value in today's globalized society and the mastery of a second language indicates the ability to interact and get in touch with a diverse audience, an aspect increasingly appreciated by employers. The growing diffusion of the network has broadened the economic horizons of companies, which no longer operate locally, but have a decentralized system both in terms of production and sales. Having offices in various countries and interacting with different local realities, these companies need personnel able to speak two or more languages.

For this reason, today's school programs include English courses, whatever the educational path and age at which they are addressed. English is the most spoken language in the world, used for official communications between different countries, for trade and travel. But even though these courses provide the foundation for general learning, making the leap requires more focused and in-depth study, which is achieved mainly through linguistic immersion. Traveling abroad for a short period favors the development of some skills that are difficult to acquire with traditional teaching methods and this article allows you to discover how learning a new language, especially through a stay in English, can lead to interesting perspectives futures.

Learning English allows you to travel and find work all over the world

Can you imagine how many countries your child could travel to once their English is really fluent? Traveling around the world is still a dream or an unfinished project for many. One of the essential prerogatives to be able to achieve it is being able to speak English at excellent levels, an objective that can only be achieved with constant practice and exposure, as in an English stay. By being in contact with native speakers, skills such as listening, comprehension and speaking improve dramatically within a few weeks. The different accents and informal use of the language are quickly absorbed, improving not only comprehension but also the richness of oral expression. A quantum leap that is particularly valuable for venturing into other countries, whether it is to explore new places or look for work. For today's students, traveling is not only synonymous with fun, but above all it is an opportunity to broaden their horizons and build the desired future, avoiding getting stuck in a country unable to offer professional outlets in some sectors. There is no greater frustration than investing years of study to earn a degree, graduate or doctoral degree and then discovering that job opportunities are limited and often not well paid. Unfortunately it is already a widespread reality in some European countries and the growing number of specialized people could also cause this situation in other parts of the world. Therefore it is more important than ever to be flexible, master English and be ready to seize the opportunities that are offered beyond national borders. Only in this way will your efforts be rewarded, will you be able to demonstrate your abilities and will you be able to lay the foundations for the much desired professional and personal future.

Learning English allows you to build a successful career

The unique listening and speaking skills that can be gained from an English holiday are not only invaluable for increased opportunities to find work abroad, but are equally important for the development of an existing career. With the growing demand for people who can speak two or more languages fluently, those with these skills can aspire to fill more prestigious roles and carry out more challenging tasks. These are usually positions where you have to communicate with overseas offices or clients, while also having the opportunity to travel and participate in more important projects. No wonder then that these jobs are also the best paid.

In addition to an easier career and a good salary, a high level of English gives much more flexibility in the job market. Whether it's the desire to gain experience in new environments or the need to adapt to an ever-changing market, changing jobs is one of the most important steps in a person's life. But in some cases it is a difficult obstacle to overcome and, between the fear of taking risks and a curriculum that is not up to par, people continue with a profession without personal and economic satisfaction. By spending a few summers abroad, between summer English courses and other experiences, you will become fluent in a short time and can easily pass the famous English certification tests. Having certified your level, the curriculum will certainly capture the interest of recruiters and, if there is a language test during the interview, you will be able to pass brilliantly speaking enviable English. With proven and demonstrable skills, it's easy to find job opportunities and have the privilege of being able to evaluate multiple offers, including those in line with your interests and aspirations.

You know that one day your child could find himself in this situation, looking for his first job or in the hope of being able to change his profession. Your future matters and a high level of English is indispensable in a globalized and ever-changing world. To be able to master the language naturally in a short time, the best way is to organize one or more study trips. Already after the first experience, great differences will be noticed, as well as a remarkable development of other resources. A holiday in English favors personal growth and ease of communication, relationships and cultural understanding, equally important qualities for your professional future. Once back, your child will stand out from his classmates by showcasing an excellent set of skills. You will be able to pass the English certification tests and enrich your curriculum, increasing your chances of being hired once you finish your studies and building a future full of opportunities.



