
Galway, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted 1 review


Our preference is hosting girls and boys 13 & under.Dormer Bungalow. We live in Pallas Caltra. 25 min from Athlone and 45 minutes from Galway City. The girls play camogie and football so we are on the road alot to matches. We have a caravan on the beach in Rossespoint Sligo and spend as much time as we can there. Sports. Swimming. Socialising


Female 19 Yrs, 11 Mths
Gaelic Football, Camogie
Female 22 Yrs, 2 Mths
Gaelic Football, Camogie
Female 13 Yrs, 3 Mths
Gaelic Football, Camogie


职业: Stay at home


职业: Engineer


  • 没有同国籍的其他子女
  • 与寄宿家庭或本地营地的活动
  • 旅行保险
  • 经过双重审核的寄宿家庭
  • 24/7 Famworld支持
  • 可选机场接送


宠物 - Small dog
卧室 5
浴室 4
Naroa - Student
July 2022

I made a huge step in my own development. It started with going outside the country, spending 3 weeks in a wonderful place, out of my comfort zone. Ireland. A very familiar atmosphere took place as my first impression. We made many plans, which were new for me, and they teach me many things, such as, to use a fridge with a water dispenser. There was a French girl with the same age, who became very close to me and never would I expected. In Ireland, people are very friendly, and they have a united spirit. (Team work). I realized how Ireland has many unique places. One of the best things about Ireland was the sunset. - Incredible-. The weather was colder than in Spain, that is obvious, but there had been some warm days. I had the chance to see traditional sports, shops, food, places... The aim of this project was to learn English, and I think that in those 3 weeks I learned many things. The important thing was the experience, which anyone can't take. This experience opened my mind and gave me the chance to get out of my comfort zone.



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