How to become a host family for an English language exchange student in Dublin

How to become a host family for an English language exchange student in Dublin


Becoming a host family for a language exchange student in Dublin, is a great experience that comes with irreplaceable benefits. You will provide an authentic and immersive stay for students from around the world who want to improve their English skills whilst getting the true local Irish experience. You will receive a host allowance as well as the experience of meeting travelers from different countries. Hosts and their families will make friends and gain a new understanding of how other cultures live.

What facilities will you need to offer as a host family?

Most host families will be required to provide a private bedroom for their English exchange guest, as well as access to a bathroom and a quiet space to study. Different hosts can offer different facilities and are not expected to have large or extravagant homes. You can offer full or half board catering which will differ on the inclusion of a packed lunch. All in all,exchange programmes are just looking for a friendly and welcoming family that can accommodate a student and help make their trip smooth and enjoyable. 

What options do you have as a host?

Hosts have the choice between offering a homestay in school term time or holidays. This can make the experience vary and both come with different benefits. Do you want to have a good balance between your free time and hosting time? Or would you like a more hands-on experience where you may be required to plan activities with students during the day. Hosting can take up a lot of time in the evenings and weekends, some hosts will offer their homestay for a majority of the year whilst others will do it once in a while. It’s really up to you and what you can accommodate!

You can also choose what age exchange students you will accept. Older students tend to be more independent. They will have a later curfew and activities scheduled for the evening which they will go to with friends they make during their trip. This will mean it is a much less hands-on experience and will take less of your time. Hosting younger children will require you to take more responsibility for their safety, you may wish to set stricter rules and chaperone them to their activities.

What is the process of becoming a host family?

First, you will need to provide some personal information and get vetted to ensure the safety of our language students. This may involve someone coming to your home and interviewing you to work out if you are suited to becoming a host. 

Next you will let us know your location and a bit about your family. This can allow us to get to know you and your family to match our students to the perfect homestay. Do you already have young kids and want your student guest to make friends with them? Or would you rather an older guest who can be more independent and require less of your support. 

What sorts of families are we looking for as hosts?

It is beneficial if you already have children of a similar age group and shows us that you have hosting potential. It tells us that you have experience looking after kids and means that our English language exchange students can make friends of a similar age to spend time with and to introduce them to other locals to enhance their stay. 

If you’re a proactive family who love to explore and plan fun days out then you’ll be the perfect hosts! This is exactly what the experience is all about, showing off Ireland's amazing culture and letting your guests get the most fulfilling experience they can. 

Most importantly we are looking for any host family that is kind and welcoming! Ones which can take time to show their guests everything Dublin has to offer and give them the best English language exchange experience which will keep them coming back year on year.



