
Do you want to study English or have your children do it? Have you always dreamed of visiting the United States? If so, read on.

As many studies show, improving communication skills in English can help you not only have a better social life, but also better job opportunities in the future. In this article, we are going to explain what benefits this would have on you or your children and the top 10 reasons to study English in the United States .

So do you want to study English in the USA?

If you were born in a country where English is not your mother tongue, at some point you have probably considered learning it. Learning English not only opens up more opportunities for you, it can help you earn more money from your job and make traveling abroad easier and more enjoyable .

On the other hand, your child can also learn English in other countries, for example in Ireland, and you can do it with Hebe Adventures . This is another great way to learn English to consider.

Studying English in your home country is difficult

It is also possible that you have tried to learn English in your home country and found that it is difficult to force yourself to practice it when most of the people around you do not speak it. Choosing to study English in the USA not only does it solve this problem, but it also has the added benefit of sightseeing, enjoying a fun summer vacation, making new friends, and learning a very important language all at the same time.

Study English during the summer

During the summer, a very popular option if your child is between the ages of 13 and 17 is a teen summer camp program . In these types of programs, your children will be able to do things like:

  • Live and study on some of the most prestigious and beautiful campuses in the United States
  • Small classes for more time to talk and better individual attention
  • Programs that focus on oral expression, art, preparing for official exams, introduction to various subjects and leadership topics
  • Diverse classrooms with students from all over the world.
  • Activities and day trips that immerse students in American culture

Reasons to study English in the United States

If you are still not convinced why your children should study English in the USA . this summer, here are the top 10 reasons :

  1. It is the official language in 67 different countries , as well as 27 non-sovereign entities: Originating in Great Britain, the British Empire helped spread English throughout the world during the 18th and 19th centuries. This is why many of the countries where English is the official language today are or were British colonies.
  2. It is the second most widely spoken language in the world : Coming in a very close second after Mandarin Chinese, there are around 900 million English speakers worldwide. This includes around 300 million native speakers and more than 600 million non-native speakers.
  3. It is the language of the media and entertainment industries – knowing English can allow you to enjoy television, movies, books, music, theater and more without the need for translation or subtitles.
  4. It is the language of science and of the world of aviation : around 98% of the scientific articles published today are in English and it is the international language of civil aviation. With the expansion of air travel in the 20th century, safety concerns arose about the ability of pilots and air traffic controllers to communicate, as miscommunication has been the cause of many aviation accidents.
  5. It's the language of the Internet : More than half of the Internet's content is in English, equivalent to about half of the home pages of the most visited websites on the web, with varying amounts of information available elsewhere. Languages.
  6. Meet the people of this country and you can make new friends : Living and studying English in the United States of America, gives you the opportunity not only to learn English, but also to practice it on a daily basis wherever you go! Chatting with the locals helps you not only learn the slang and informal language used by different Americans, but you can also make new lifelong friends during that time.
  7. Your kids get ready for college – If you've ever thought about taking your kids to college in the US, this is a perfect way to get ready! There are options to live and study at some of the most prestigious schools in the US and knowing English is required for acceptance.
  8. Learn about American culture and make memories for a lifetime – When you choose to study English in the United States, you'll not only immerse yourself in the language, but you'll quickly learn about the culture, food, entertainment, and much more. Whether you're visiting California's beaches, iconic American cities, or learning a bit of history at the capitol in Washington DC, you can take advantage of your free time and have an unforgettable experience of a lifetime.
  9. You will be more successful in job offers : Being fluent in a second language clearly demonstrates motivation, intelligence, and reflects someone who has dedicated a great deal of time, resources, and commitment to mastering another language. This is a great differentiating fact in resumes.
  10. It will be smarter! Being bilingual makes you smarter and can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive abilities and may even protect you against dementia in old age.



