How you can make learning English fun for your kids?

How you can make learning English fun for your kids?

Learn English around the world

English has now become an indispensable skill. Everyone agrees on this point: industrialists, academics, parents and politicians. Through the role it plays in economics, science, technology, culture and the media, it occupies a special place among foreign languages. In France, 96% of children choose it during their schooling. 700 million people speak English in the world.

Work carried out by English researchers at the University of Vienna, in Austria, recommends distinguishing what is essential to study orally from what is not, in order to use English as international means of communication.

Since English is the most widely spoken language in the world today, learning English as a second language is a must . About one in seven people is able to speak English fluently. However, it is the language of business too. Whether in cultural, sporting or commercial matters, English is used as a neutral language for each of the parties.

Parents can make learning English fun for their children

Many parents are concerned about their children's level of English. They fear that what they learn at school or in extra-curricular courses is not enough to offer them prospects for the future. What you forget is what you as parents can do for them at home. In everyday life, you have the possibility of using many resources and undertaking a large number of activities in English which will easily become one of the pleasant moments of your family life. However, you must choose a linguistic tool adapted to your child or teenager.

Here are some language tools to introduce your child to English:

  • Choose a bilingual babysitter;
  • Make him watch a cartoon in English;
  • Introduce him to books in English;
  • Take her to an English bookstore;
  • Make him listen to songs in English;
  • Send it to a roommate in an English-speaking country;
  • Send him for a language exchange with an English-speaking host family.

One of the most important things when deciding to improve your child's knowledge of the English language is choosing the language tool that best suits their needs. You should try to find a stimulating language tool that allows your child to quickly acquire good knowledge, so that they can apply new language skills in everyday life. The best way for your child to obtain such results and become bilingual in English is to go on a language exchange in an English-speaking country.

What is the child language exchange?

The child language exchange is based on the commitment to receive and accommodate the child. In other words, your child lives in the home of a foreign family in order to live an intensive linguistic experience. This solution allows your child to become more independent, to gain self-confidence and to improve their academic results in a modern language. It is a pleasant way for him to make new friends and discover a new culture, while learning and practicing the language of his choice.

However, in order to provide a pleasant and serene language exchange for your child, it is essential to choose an accommodation intermediary who has proven its quality and experience in managing English-speaking host families, in particular host families. Irish. Where does the role and mission of our company HEBE Adventures come from, which was designed to meet the expectations of different parents around the world by improving the experience of English language exchange among the youngest.

HEBE Adventures and Irish host families

Ireland is an excellent choice of destination for a child language stay and to improve your English, because it is located not far from Switzerland, France, Belgium or Luxembourg. It takes approximately 1h30 between Paris and Dublin and Brussels and Dublin and 2h15 between Geneva and Dublin. This proximity is very reassuring to parents of children doing their first language exchange abroad.

HEBE Adventures is a contact platform that allows its members to directly organize language stays in total immersion. You create a personalized, friendly, secure and reasonably priced language course for your child, individually or in a small family group, and wherever you want to go in the world and for the desired duration.

Our HEBE Adventures host families provide your child or teen with accommodation and meals, organize excursions and social activities, offering an authentic cultural immersion in their everyday life. English-speaking host families live in Ireland indicate their dates and durations of availability, and set the price of the stays.

So you can fully trust HEBE Adventures to find you the perfect English-speaking pen pal for your child's language exchange in Ireland, so that they can both have a great holiday and become bilingual in English at the same time.

So what are you waiting for to find the perfect host family for your son or daughter? Join us now.



