Geoghegan ファミリー

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted


We are a warm and welcoming family who recently moved to Brownsbarn estate six months ago. Our family consists of myself, my fiancée December, our 8-year-old daughter Maia, and our beloved cat Max. December is a devoted stay-at-home mom who takes great care of our household while I work full-time in the IT sector. Maia is in third class and loves to explore, learn, and play. Our home is nestled in a quiet housing estate, providing a peaceful and safe environment for our family and guests. We have a spacious spare bedroom with its own en suite, offering privacy and comfort for anyone who stays with us. As a family, we enjoy taking walks, appreciating the beauty of nature, and spending quality time together. We are excited about the prospect of becoming a host family and sharing our home and lives with others.

親/保護者 1

職業: IT


  • 同じ国籍の他のゲストはいません
  • ホストファミリーや地元のキャンプでのアクティビティ
  • 旅行保険
  • 二重審査済みのホストファミリー
  • 24時間365日Famworldサポート
  • オプショナルな空港送迎


ペット - Max the cat
ベッドルーム 4
バスルーム 3


Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip