Ní Mhaoilmhia ファミリー

Cork, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted


We are a family of 4, parents and 2 kids, age 12 & 10. We are a very outdoor family. We have a few horses, and mostly keep them at a local equestrian centre as our daughter is competing. Both kids ride. If the weather is half decent we go to the beach most days, and swim too. We hang out alot in our garden with our cats,dogs and chickens, doing a bit of gardening and cooking pizza in our pizza oven or having a BBQ. We also take a good few days trips, as we tend not to sit still alot. Adventures down the country or visiting relatives in the countryside.We are self employed,we have our own business and shop near the city, and we also have a beekeeping business. Because we are self employed we are very flexible with our time and I don't actually work that much during the summer so I can spend time with the kids.We are experienced with taking students, as every year we take 2 X teenage students for the full academic year, usually from Germany, France or Spain. We have been hosting students already for 5 years.


Female 13 Yrs, 1 Mths
Male 11 Yrs, 0 Mths

親/保護者 1

職業: Business owner beekeeping

親/保護者 2

職業: Business owner retail


  • 同じ国籍の他のゲストはいません
  • ホストファミリーや地元のキャンプでのアクティビティ
  • 旅行保険
  • 二重審査済みのホストファミリー
  • 24時間365日Famworldサポート
  • オプショナルな空港送迎


ペット - Cat,Dogs, Chickens,Horses.
ベッドルーム 5
バスルーム 2


Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip