O'Mahony ファミリー

Cork, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted 4 reviews


We are a family of 5 living in Innishannon, Co. Cork. We are 20 minutes drive from Cork city, 20 minutes drive to the beach and the beautiful West Cork is on our doorstep. Our boys are 10,8 and 6 and they love to play outdoors especially in the summer. They like exploring in the garden, playing sport, walking in the woods and camping. We have one dog who is very friendly. We have had students live with us before and the boys really enjoyed their company. We would be happy to welcome a student into our home again. A typical full immersion week would be playing out in the garden, going on day trips and having a picnic. We live right next to the woods so we go there quite often. If the weather is nice, we would go to the beach or go camping. We have family along the coast of West Cork so we would go to visit them and visit local attractions.

親/保護者 1

職業: Teacher

親/保護者 2

職業: IT consultant


  • 同じ国籍の他のゲストはいません
  • ホストファミリーや地元のキャンプでのアクティビティ
  • 旅行保険
  • 二重審査済みのホストファミリー
  • 24時間365日Famworldサポート
  • オプショナルな空港送迎


ペット - dog
ベッドルーム 4
バスルーム 3
Miriam, Anna & Mutti - Student
August 2024

Three weeks ago I spent very special days at the O'Mahony' s house with two friends of mine. It was my first time abroad in a foreign family, but thanks to their kindness and availability, I felt as if I was at home. They have helped us a lot since the first day: they brought our bags, showed us the times of the buses, created a wathsapp group to stay in contact during the day, prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner, took us in the car where and when needed and much more. They also were very friendly and interested in knowing our personality and passions, our habits in Italy and our activities in Ireland. At the same time, we had our privacy. I really enjoyed improving my english with them but it was also fabulous mixing our cultures!

September 2024

At the beginning of September I spent a wonderful week in Ireland and two of my friends and I were hosted at the home of this fantastic family. As soon as we arrived we were able to choose whether to stay together in one room or have two available so as to be more apart. In the morning our host parents went out of their way to accommodate our guests during breakfast, as well as packed lunches. In fact, for lunch they always tried to vary, without ever giving us the same thing two days in a row. Dinner was also very good. The children are very calm and polite, allowing you to sleep peacefully all night. The house is only forty minutes by coach from Cork city center with a very convenient stop. Overall, this week was truly fantastic and I couldn't have asked for a better family! Luca

August 2024

The week with your family was very beautiful because It's an unforgettable experience and you made it even more beautiful with the wonderful welcome, the food you cooked for us and your kindness. It was very nice to stay in your house also because it is very clean, tidy, spacious. It was also very nice and fun to spend time in the evening playing with your children. Your family didn't let us miss anything, not even the availability to show us the way to do by bus to get to college. GINEVRA - MAURIZIO - MIRIAM

August 2024

This week spent with you was beautiful and unforgettable. Dinner each night was delicious. The house was beautiful and clean and the room and bathroom were huge. I had so much fun with you, every evening after dinner I played with your children and I had so much fun I hope to visit you on my next holiday in Cork. I will always carry you in my heart because I spent my first study holiday with you GRETA,AMBRA & ROBERTO



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