Connery ファミリー

Limerick, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted


We are a typical rural family, we live in the countryside, with a hurling, and soccor pitch directly across the road, we like different activities like swimming, walking, going to the gym, running, music, baking and relaxing at home for family time.We live on the foothills of the ballyhoura mountains which have lovely walking trails and a mountains bike track.Kilmallock is a nearby town which is known for its historical midieval town which has ruins which you can visit.Lough gur is another nearby location, surrounded by a lake and us a very well known archaeological site. During the week we might go to local sightseeing spots, as we live in the countryside we have lovely mountains and lakes to view in the area, also kilmallock is a very historical town so we would visit the local historical sights. At the weekends we like to go to sporting matches locally, swimming, shopping, baking and family time. Weather permitting we enjoy the beaches around the coast of Ireland.


Female 16 Yrs, 10 Mths
Female 8 Yrs, 7 Mths
Male 20 Yrs, 4 Mths

親/保護者 1

職業: Childminder

親/保護者 2

職業: Metal fabricator


  • 同じ国籍の他のゲストはいません
  • ホストファミリーや地元のキャンプでのアクティビティ
  • 旅行保険
  • 二重審査済みのホストファミリー
  • 24時間365日Famworldサポート
  • オプショナルな空港送迎


ペット - We have 2 small dogs and a guinea pig in the home
ベッドルーム 5
バスルーム 2


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Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
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