The best blogs dedicated to Italian courses

The best blogs dedicated to Italian courses

At the speed of the Internet (no, I'm not talking about fiber optics), blogs follow one another, are born and die.

As for the online Italian course , there are blogs that tackle the arduous task of combating Manzoni's leveling of the language.

In a fun way and with a certain pedagogical methodology that differs from the usual Italian textbooks, these blogs try to establish themselves among students of Italian as a foreign language, European students on Erasmus university exchanges and teachers who still have doubts.

So, to fly high and go see the stars again (thanks to good old Dante Alighieri for this beautiful image), all you need is a device with internet access (computer, smartphone, tablet) and a good dose of desire to study!

The Superprof team has selected some blog references for learning the Italian language to ensure your progress.

So, if you want to do a big spring cleaning with your dusty grammar rules, follow our virtual guide!

Terminology etc. A journey into words

Another important and highly accredited site is Terminologia etc., a project started several years ago by Licia Corbolante, an expert in terminology management and research, localisation, linguistic quality and intercultural communication. His CV also includes teaching translation and contemporary Italian history at the University of Salford .

Licia Carbona 's blog focuses in particular on the analysis and commentary of neologisms, expressions found in newspapers... In short, very useful for understanding the evolution of contemporary Italian!

The language is a system in continuous innovation, for this reason it is useful to keep constantly updated whether we are native speakers or students of Italian as a foreign language.

It is interesting that the Licia Carbona blog focuses on journalistic and advertising vocabulary , two sectors of the language in constant evolution (or sometimes involution).

Learn Italian with Lucrezia: learn Italian with Lucrezia

Lucrezia, 25 years old, is from Rome, where she has lived practically all her life, apart from a few forays to Norway and Trieste, where she graduated in Applied Interlinguistic Communication at the prestigious School of Interpreters and Translators. His passion for making Italian known and teaching it was born in Trieste. This is how his blog was born: which has also become a Youtube channel with 100 thousand subscribers! A really high number that makes this YouTube channel one of the reference points for learning Italian!

Lucrezia carefully curates her videos, which are really fun and useful! Furthermore, you can also follow her on other social networks such as Facebook and Instagram! The numerous awards and recognitions that his blog and his activity on Youtube have received are proof of the high value of this site!

Lucrezia's blog is particularly focused on teaching Italian to foreigners, so it can be a very useful resource for anyone who wants to supplement their Italian lessons with continuously updated support. In particular, Lucrezia, in addition to Italian, uses English to convey information to anyone who does not understand Italian, so it is an additional resource that can be used!

We speak Italian: resources for everyone

The aim of is not only to provide the tools to improve one's level of Italian, but also to help improve knowledge relating to Italian civilisation, the history of the Bel Paese, its art and its literature . Users are invited to participate actively, in the forum or in the chat, and practice writing, share content, express their doubts or look for new friends .

The project was born in September 2010 and is aimed at foreign students, or those with linguistic difficulties, and teachers of Italian as a second language.

Among the materials offered by the site we find

  • grammar cards;
  • exercises with automatic correction;
  • graded readings;
  • cultural information and notes;
  • audio and video.

The great advantage of the site is that the material is presented in the six levels of the European Language Certificate. In addition to a rich section of exercises, the site also has a section with many games including crosswords, hangman, anagrams, rebuses and riddles to learn the language while having fun! Find an Italian course .

Discover the best online Italian dictionaries instead .

Learn Italian with!

A site full of many resources, including a podcast on Itunes! The project is managed by an Anglophone, Melissa Muldoon, who contributes to making our language known in the world, particularly the Anglophone world.

Melissa promotes the study of the Italian language and culture through her bilingual blog. She started the blog to improve her language proficiency and to connect with other language learners. The project then grew to include a YouTube channel and the podcast " Tutti Matti per l'Italiano ".

Melissa has also begun to coordinate a series of tours in Italy in collaboration with Italian partners.

Melissa started living years ago in Florence with an Italian family. His Italian experience began to study art history and painting: this is how he followed an Italian course for beginners. Her Florentine parenthesis involved her so much that once she returned home she felt the need to relive that bond... and so this adventure began!

Learn idioms with blogdisilviaspatafora

Silvia Spatafora, originally from Palermo, has been living in Spain for a few years. The Spanish adventure was born in 2007 in Seville, but today lives in Madrid. Graduated from the University of Palermo in 2010 in "International Communication", she works as a teacher of Italian for foreigners, both privately and in various schools, also offering company courses. To teach Italian he obtained the DITALS certification (Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language) from the University for Foreigners of Siena.

