Exchange experiences and language stays for children and teenagers

Exchange experiences and language stays for children and teenagers

The Program for language exchanges and stays outside France provides support for travel projects outside France aimed at improving the mastery of a second or third language. It includes a Secondary Education component for groups of secondary school students and their language teachers, as well as a Higher Education component for groups of students from college and university education and their language teachers.

The two components aim to:

  • to make language stays outside the country financially accessible to a greater number of children and teenagers;
  • to improve children's practical knowledge of a second language;
  • to stimulate children's motivation to continue learning a second language;
  • to enable educational establishments to strengthen their international activities and to create partnerships with educational establishments abroad.

Why do a language exchange?

During a language exchange, your child lives like an inhabitant of the country of which he will learn the language and discover the culture. He will thus reside with the locals, in total immersion. Language courses will also be offered to them, combined with periods of free time, thus allowing them to discover their new environment, alone or accompanied by their host family.

A language exchange is the assurance of progressing quickly, while being stimulated by theoretical courses and practice in real and daily situations. This will also give your child the opportunity to live independently and independently in a new environment.

The benefits of teaching your child English in Ireland

  • Better recognition of sounds;
  • Better intuition;
  • Greater creativity;
  • Better tolerance for ambiguity.

Language courses in Ireland for children combine both total English immersion and a beautiful setting. All the participating children who stayed in Ireland came back of course better in English but also delighted by the discovery of this magnificent country.

Thus, language stays in Ireland will bring your children into contact with a country whose hospitality is legendary today. The Irish are also very talkative, and each meeting will be an opportunity to practice English in the most natural way possible.

Language courses in Ireland are now available at HEBE Adventures

Language stays in Ireland allow you to learn English very quickly. For children, these language stays in total immersion are to be taken advantage of to practice the language with natives. Ireland is one of the most popular destinations for language travel. Although the first official language remains Gaelic, English is spoken by everyone in Ireland.

By choosing one of our Hebe language exchange programs, you will avoid the stress of uncertainty. In addition, our decades of know-how and experience ensure a successful exchange.

Our years of experience in the Hebe language course guarantee your child optimal support, from the development to the completion of his language exchange, through the daily follow-up of his journey abroad. We answer all your questions in order to guide your child towards an exceptional and unforgettable stay and life experience.

HEBE Adventures is a contact platform in Ireland that allows its parent members to organize language stays for children directly online. However, you create a personalized, friendly, secure and reasonably priced language stay for your child, individually or in a small family group, and regardless of where you want your child to go and also for the desired duration.

From our side, we will support you at every stage of setting up and monitoring your child's language exchange in Ireland, and we will ensure that your child gets the most out of your stay.

The selection we make to choose Irish host families is based above all on the network we have in Ireland which makes up our range of stays. Our local correspondents, present all year round on site, work intensively to select the families where your child will certainly feel comfortable during his language stay in Ireland. Our requirements and our seriousness allow us to offer you very high quality family language stays, where your child will enjoy himself while learning a new language.

Finally, our very complete Hebe range of language stays for children and teenagers allows you to make your choice throughout the year. You can be sure that your child will benefit from a program perfectly adapted to his requirements as well as to yours. If you want more information, you can go directly to our website to compare our language courses in Ireland.

So what are you waiting for to give your child the opportunity to learn English via a language trip to Ireland? Hebe Adventures is always at your service.

