English language acquisition for your child

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English language acquisition for your child

The importance of learning English from an early age

Although most parents recognize the importance of being able to speak English, it is very likely that they are not really aware of the advantages of starting to learn this language from childhood.

When we talk about early childhood, we are referring to starting to learn before your child enters school.

Early English learning is essential

Language acquisition is a long and complex process from a child development perspective. Therefore, the earlier your child starts learning English, the better.

Various studies show that the natural methods of early language learning, that is to say when the parents speak different mother tongues, allow the child to have a solid knowledge of both languages.

If this is not the case in your family, but you want your child to start learning English as soon as possible, do not hesitate to enroll him in a teaching center from the age of 3 year.

Child development professionals agree that children who learn languages from an early age are much more receptive, creative and better at problem solving.

4 benefits of learning English from an early age

As a parent concerned about the education of your child, we suggest that you opt for learning a second language from an early age, and not to do it too late.

  • Learning is easy

If your child starts studying English very early, he will assimilate the new language in the easiest way. When we are children, we learn language innately and naturally. We don't need to make a lot of effort to learn.

Between the ages of 0 and 4, children generate many neurological connections. During this period of brain formation, the brain acts like a sponge, absorbing a large amount of information and knowledge very quickly and easily. So now is the perfect time to give your child a linguistic stimulus.

If your child starts learning English from the very beginning, he will be able to master the language and pronounce everything with a very high quality. And what is most important is that your child will be bilingual in the future.

  • It's good for their mental health

Learning English from an early age has an incredible effect on a child's brain development. He will acquire a greater capacity for concentration and will be much more agile and effective in solving problems.

Overall, all this will result in higher cognitive development than other children of the same age.

  • Enrich your intellectual development

By learning English from an early age, your child will have access to two cultures. This is very valuable for his educational and intellectual development. And not just educationally.

By learning another language or another culture, he will have to develop a greater open-mindedness, which will have a positive impact on his professional and personal relationships in the future.

Your child will develop an excellent understanding of cultural diversity, and will therefore be able to communicate with people from all over the world, regardless of their nationality.

  • Discomfort against the learning process

Shyness or the fear of being embarrassed by not being able to speak a language well is a very common characteristic in many adults. And the reality is that this often prevents people from learning a foreign language.

When your children are very small, they are not bothered by anything. So now is the perfect time to get them started learning and practicing English. Young children don't worry about making mistakes or what other people will think of them.

In addition, your child will gain confidence and self-assurance that will also be important for their future. It is therefore highly recommended that your child start learning English before it gets embarrassed and makes the process more difficult for them.

As a result, more and more parents trust English families and are looking for an English pen pal for their child. England has an impressive linguistic and cultural diversity. This country is a dream for all history and art enthusiasts since most of its museums are free. Among the tourist places not to be missed for your children: the British Museum, the Natural History Museum and the Tate Modern.

The importance of the English language for your child

If learning a foreign language was an option until recently, today it is essential. Moreover, the objective is not just a few words of vocabulary but a mastery of the language in question to stand out and meet an increasingly English-speaking demand, especially in emerging countries.

Practicing therefore boils down to an immersive experience in its own right which is increasingly part of career objectives to make a difference. It is in this sense that an English pen pal will make all the difference in your child's learning of the English language. In particular, it offers the possibility of opening up to other perspectives, such as getting closer to local establishments to pursue a course of higher education in the future.

For your children to make real progress in English, there's nothing like finding them a safe and effective English pen pal. You can also find an English penpal to improve the language skills of your older children or teenagers.

Hebe Adventures is the solution to find you the perfect English pen pal in Ireland

HEBE Adventures has proven through its experience that it is the best pen pal site to find you the perfect English pen pal, whether for children or teenagers. Browse the advertisements of our various English host families living in Ireland and find the ideal English correspondent who shares your passions and those of your children or teenagers.

Thus, you can let your child go in peace since our correspondents in England have all been approved and validated during their registration. Indeed, all our host families in Ireland go through a very strict identification and security procedure when they register. You can therefore choose an English correspondent for your children with complete peace of mind, focusing only on areas of common interest.

In addition, with HEBE Adventures, the language exchange to learn English in a host family in Ireland for your child can be normal or intensive, at the pace you want. On the other hand, our host families provide the children with accommodation and meals, organize excursions and social activities as well as an authentic cultural immersion in their everyday life.

The reputation of HEBE Adventures in the accommodation field for English-speaking families thing is that she offers parents a unique package of services for their child, providing them with ongoing 24/7 support as well as coordination with English host families who listen to their needs.

So what are you waiting for to find a good English pen pal for your son or daughter? Hébé Adventures is at your disposal at all times.

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