Who do I contact for a language exchange?

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Who do I contact for a language exchange?

Mastering one or more foreign languages has become very important. Linguistic exchange is an excellent avenue to explore in order to progress in a language effectively. So how does it work ?

Learning a new language has many advantages for your child, such as protecting against cognitive impairment, being able to work abroad or communicate with foreigners on the other side of the planet. Take the example of English, the language of business, travel and international relations. If this language is not the most spoken native in the world, it remains the most influential. It is thus used as a second language by 1 billion people. And what better way to learn a language than to do it young, in total immersion, thanks to language exchange?

In concrete terms, a language exchange is a stay during which your child can immerse himself in the language and culture of the country. But you still need to know how to find an English correspondent for your teenager.

What are the most spoken languages in the world?

  1. Mandarin Chinese, with over 955 million native speakers;
  2. Spanish, with over 405 million native speakers;
  3. English, with over 360 million native speakers;
  4. Hindi, with over 310 million native speakers;
  5. Arabic, with over 295 million native speakers.

Why teach English to your child?

Today, being able to speak a foreign language, especially English, has become an increasingly important skill. In addition to offering employment opportunities, being able to speak a foreign language helps to establish a real connection with people and to learn more about different cultures.

Since English is the most widely spoken language in the world today, learning English as a second language is a must . About one in seven people is able to speak English fluently. However, it is the language of business too. Whether in cultural, sporting or commercial matters, English is used as a neutral language for each of the parties.

How to organize a language exchange for your child?

You can organize a language exchange between two children to allow each of them to improve their language skills. In other words, your child stays free with a foreign family to experience real language immersion. Then it's your turn to welcome the foreign child into your home to offer them the same experience. Only the travel expenses and the pocket money of your child are at your charge within the framework of this stay.

Who do I contact for a language exchange?

To set up a language exchange for your child or teenager, you can start by asking your town hall, which potentially has a partnership with another city in the world. You can also find out from the college or high school your child attends to find out if certain exchange programs or language stays are organised. However, there are also very reliable websites for setting up a language exchange for children.

There are also agencies specializing in language exchanges. Their great interest is to manage your child's entire stay. On the other hand, the services are chargeable and their cost is relatively high. However, there are different offers since some agencies are content to put the families in contact, while others can take care of the trip, the reception on site, etc. With this type of agency, you can indicate from the outset whether you want a real exchange (the foreign family welcomes your child for free and you do the same with the foreign child) or if you are just looking for a stay for your child.

The great advantage of some websites is to offer travel insurance and/or to secure contact between families by establishing a contract. All you have to do is buy the plane ticket, plan the stay with your child and the family. Be aware, however, that these sites are very popular and it is best to plan ahead. Note that if, in principle, the language exchange assumes that you in turn welcome the child of the other family, this is not compulsory.

Language learning takes place through your child's total immersion in domestic life. Some activities such as outings can be planned by the hosts, but they have no formal obligation, and must bear the costs alone, which is unfortunately not very incentive... The idea is in fact relatively simple, an English-speaking host family welcomes your child abroad.

Why HEBE Adventures is the best online service for family accommodation in Ireland?

HEBE Adventures was created to make the process of family accommodation in Ireland easier for you. Our company has proven through experience that it is the best matchmaking site to find an Irish host family for your child or teenager. Hebe is a platform for connecting foreign families and parents who wish to carry out a language exchange for their child or teenager.

You can let your child go with peace of mind since our English-speaking correspondents have all been approved and validated when they registered. Indeed, all our Irish host families go through a very strict identification and security procedure when they register. You can therefore choose an English-speaking correspondent with complete peace of mind for your child, focusing only on areas of common interest.

  From our side, we will support you at every stage of setting up and monitoring your child's language exchange in Ireland, and we will ensure that your child gets the most out of their stay.

So what are you waiting for to find the perfect Irish host family for your child or teenager? Hébé Adventures is at your disposal.

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