Glebe Equestrian

Horse riding camp for kids. Will run from 10:00am-1:30pm each day. The children don’t need their


Horse riding camp for kids. Will run from 10:00am-1:30pm each day.

The children don’t need their own helmet as I provide them! All I ask is that they wear a shoe/boot with a small heel! 
We usually start our day by feeding the ponies! We then groom them so their nice an clean an this gives the children a chance to get up close an personal! Especially any less experienced or nervous jockeys !!! We then tack up an head to the arena for their lesson or hack! Sometimes we do both, which is way more fun! When the lesson is over, lunch time for the children! After lunch we do arts and crafts or games in the arena! Sometimes with ponies sometimes without! We then tidy up the stables an feed the ponies their lunch! On very very warm days we have been known at Glebe to have fairly epic water fights! So spare clothes are pretty much an essential!!! Then home time!!!

Dettagli dell'Attività

Camp:Glebe Equestrian
Tipo di Attività:Equestrian Summer Camp
Adatto a:Ragazze e Ragazzi
Adatto agli ospiti:6 - 14 anni
Inizio/Fine giornaliero:10:00 - 13:30
Location:Wicklow, Ireland
Campi programmati:Al momento non disponibili

Programma dell'Attività


Seleziona le date e una famiglia ospitante per la tua esperienza e quindi potrai scegliere le attività.

Prenota il tuo viaggio!

Questa esperienza include

  • Registration Fee
  • 24 Hour Support
  • Host Family Accommodation
  • All Meals
  • Full Immersion with Family
  • Introduction to Host Family before arrival
  • Airport Transfers
  • Meet & Greet at Airport by Host Family
  • Camp Transfers
  • Parent/ Student Web Portal
  • Private English classes on request (extra cost applies)