If I had to give you a feedback I will say you are very nice,you can make a good atmosphere that isn't an easy thing because we stay with you only a week. You are really hospitable and a good cook even if you make pizza with yogurt and not how Alberto make it
Hi ''The Repic Family'', ,living what you was a wonderful experience. You were very friendly,helpful and made me feel at home. The house was cosy,tidy and very clean.
Aloma a voyagé de Barcelone à Wicklow, séjournant chez la famille Sheane ní Éigeartaigh pendant quatre semaines animées.
Lisez l'histoire d'AlomaAloma a voyagé de Barcelone à Wicklow, séjournant chez la famille Sheane ní Éigeartaigh pendant quatre semaines animées.
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Lisez l'histoire d'EdoardoDeux sœurs italiennes ont entrepris leur première Famworld en explorant Westmeath avec la merveilleuse famille Kinahan.
Lisez l'histoire de Giulia & Melania