The best French English language tools

Por Famworld
The best French English language tools

Several English French linguistic tools are available to help us with language learning, whether for verb conjugation, for grammar rules or for the spelling of words.


Foreign languages have been present in primary school for a very long time. Since the orientation law of 1989, they are all the more present and important as they constitute one of the priorities of the Ministry of National Education. We have moved from language teaching aimed at acquiring linguistic skills to teaching to communicate in the language and use it as a tool that opens the student up to new ways of seeing the world.

Communicating is indeed a linguistic skill but the task of communication involves several other skills necessary for its smooth running such as posture, body posture, the role of breathing which must be worked on... These skills cannot be acquired without training in from the learners.

The Ministry has developed this language teaching by improving the various systems implemented to optimize learning. Thus, the choice to work on a language for communicative purposes and openness to the world as seen by individuals from another country, has made it possible to enhance a teaching method already present in the school but not in the course. of language: theatrical activities for learning.

If you want to speak several foreign languages, the best language tool is: yourself! This sends you back to perfecting the target languages. Train yourself, travel, join an association that allows you to communicate with a native speaker.

Speaking several foreign languages has become an essential skill, both in personal life and in professional life. In order to master a foreign language, the study of language sciences is a plus. There is a course dedicated to students who want to deepen their linguistic knowledge.

It mainly concerns:

∙ speech sounds: phonology and phonetics;

∙ how texts work: written comprehension and textual linguistics;

∙ linguistic meaning: semantics;

∙ the formation of statements: syntax;

∙ the evolution of the foreign language: history, pathology, teaching.

You can also take lessons at a language center. During this training, you will have the opportunity to study, in addition to vocabulary, the structure of the language. The sciences of language are indeed very specialized and no language can be acquired without learning vocabulary words.

For rapid progress, a good method is to improve your level by taking intensive lessons with a private teacher.

You can also opt for online courses on the Internet to intensify your learning.

To be able to communicate effectively in a foreign language, you have to get used to speaking that language on a daily basis. You can start by singing or reading aloud novels, newspapers or blogs. It's the best way to learn new idioms. Find someone to practice with: expressing yourself in the native language of a speaker allows you to break the ice and acquire linguistic reflexes. Know that after learning one language, it becomes easier to acquire others.

Study language sciences

With these language studies, learners have the advantage of learning the foreign language in different aspects. They will be able to understand the language processes and the structure of the language in its diversity.

Test yourself on language tools

When you already have a certain level of skills, the official test or exam is another language tool to help you go even further. In the workplace, for example, the recruiter sometimes assesses language skills using an exam such as TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS during the recruitment process.

Thanks to technological advancements, language level tests are available on the Internet. Register and take a test to assess your level, then you can better target your learning in the different linguistic areas: spelling, grammar, written comprehension and phonetics.


First of all, to master a foreign language, you have to enrich your vocabulary. There are different ways to achieve this, including the use of a specialized dictionary to understand the meaning, but also to work well on the spelling, function, terminology and lexical field of words. Some dictionaries also provide the colloquial language equivalent, synonyms and/or antonyms of search terms.

For the dictionary to allow you to assimilate new vocabulary words, we will choose a unilingual dictionary, which unlike a bilingual dictionary will help you understand the meaning of the word and the context in which to use it. An English speaker learning French could, for example, use the Petit Robert, which contains up to 60,000 words. In general, the dictionary will be used to answer questions concerning reading comprehension and writing. It will therefore be aimed at people who, in the majority of cases, are required to read or write in a foreign language.

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