Por Famworld

If you are thinking of sending your child to camps in English, you should consider the option of English Summer, a Spanish company that offers camps in English for your children to learn English while enjoying the summer.

In this article we are going to describe all the possible options that English Summer can offer you.

language camps

English Summer offers you the possibility for your children to enjoy language camps in various ways. The choice can be made based on what you really want for your child.

Among these options to choose from are the following:

  • English + Multiactivity : in the morning your children will receive 4-5 hours a day of English lessons following the Cambridge University program and in the afternoon your children will be able to enjoy outdoor activities such as sports, swimming pool, crafts, and many more. games. At night they will have a theme party to continue practicing English
  • English Alive Camp : This is a camp where there are no classes. Learning is based on carrying out activities of all kinds, such as games and other group activities, conversing at all times in English. The children will be supervised by native teachers.
  • Teenager Intensive Camp : This camp is more specialized, as its name suggests, for teenagers from 13 to 17 years old. With 5 classes of 50 minutes a day in the morning and with different levels from basic to advanced, your children will be able to learn English while enjoying sports, workshops and outdoor activities in the afternoon.

Spanish Camp: This camp is for foreign students who want to learn Spanish with native teachers. In these camps, children from different countries come together to learn languages and enjoy the summer having fun doing all kinds of outdoor activities, such as sports, theater, workshops, etc...

theme camps

In addition to the above possibilities that English Summer offers your children, there are other types of camps that are more based on their theme. In other words, your children will learn English in a camp while they enjoy and learn from another activity.

The possibilities are diverse:

  • Chef Camp : if your child has liked the world of cooking since they were little, in this camp they will be able to learn English while enjoying learning to cook and for children with more experience in the kitchen. In addition, you will also learn to make appetizers, desserts, kitchen protocol, healthy eating and many more concepts of this world.
  • Dance Camp : If your son or daughter is more into dancing, this camp is perfect for them. Regardless of your level, you will be able to enjoy dancing all kinds of dances while learning English. Fun and learning in English are guaranteed
  • Horseriding Camp : in this camp your child will learn and improve their English while learning to ride a horse (dressage, cowboy and raid) and everything related to the care of these animals, thanks to the 15 hours that these classes last. Contact with animals is something very beneficial for your child.
  • Portadventura World Camp: If you want to send your child to a camp where the fun is huge, this is a great option. You will spend 7 days in one of the best theme parks in Europe and all while learning English.
  • Tech Camp – If your child is passionate about the world of technology, this camp is perfect for them. In the morning you will have English classes, but in the afternoon you will learn fascinating concepts of the technological world such as creating your own robot, video games, creating web pages and much more. All this, while learning English.
  • Water sports camp : summer is the best period of the year to practice all kinds of water sports such as windsurfing, paddle surfing, snorkeling and canoeing. Imagine your son or daughter having fun with these sports while practicing English and after 3 hours of English classes in the morning.
  • Kids Fashion Camp : Another alternative offered by English Summer is this fashion camp for children where they can learn concepts of photography, modeling, acting and other activities related to this world. In addition, you will receive English classes every day and you can go to the pool and do sports every day.

Day Champ Camps

If you live near the English summer colonies of Tamarit, or Tarragona, you can enroll your children in the day camps, without the need to lodge your children at night.

This means that your children will be able to enjoy all the activities that English Summer offers in their camps from 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., in addition to the English classes, of course. On Saturdays there will be no English classes, instead there will be an excursion to Portad Ventura.

family camps

One of the great offers offered by English Summer are the family camps. If instead of sending your children to English camps, you prefer to go with them, this is ideal for you.

With these camps you can do many activities with your children while they learn English. Among these activities we can highlight sports, swimming pool, games like Lego and Jenga, excursions, cinemas and theme parties at night, and many more.

These family camps are all-inclusive, without having to worry about more extra expenses.

Cambridge exam courses

All the lessons that English Summer gives in its colonies in English are preparatory for the Cambridge exams , one of the best universities (if not the best) to learn English for anyone.

The English classes are of all kinds of levels and as a consequence they also serve to prepare the 3 main exams of the University of Cambridge:

  1. PET (Preliminary English Test): medium level
  2. FCE (First Certificate in English): medium-high level
  3. CAE (Certificate in Advanced English): high level

Not only this, but also your children can take these same exams in the camps that English Summer has in its offer.

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