Dowd 가족

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted

우리에 대해

We are a family of six, I work from home for An Garda Siochana, and my husband is a farmer. Our two eldest children attend university, my son Studying "Computational Thinking" a double major in Pure Maths and Computer Science, and my daughter is studying "Law". Our next daughter is now preparing for her Leaving Certificate and my youngest son is preparing for his Junior Certificate. We are a family that likes to have a laugh and enjoy life. We pride ourselves in treating our visiting students like one of the family and ensure that they are happy and content.

부모/보호자 1

직업: Executive Officer

부모/보호자 2

직업: Farmer

포함 사항

  • 동일 국적의 다른 게스트가 없음
  • 호스트 가족 또는 현지 캠프와의 활동
  • 여행 보험
  • 검증된 호스트 가족
  • 24/7 Famworld 지원
  • 선택적 공항 이송

편의 시설

공유 방
애완동물 - Dog
침실 6
욕실 3

오래 지속되는 추억

Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip