Corcoran 가족

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted

우리에 대해

Hi...we are the Corcoran's! Tom is a quantity surveyor and Siobhán works as a lecturer. We have 2 kids, Charlie (11) and Emma-Jane (9), along with our new puppy arrival Cookie this Summer! We are a very active family involved both playing and coaching in our local sports club. Emma-Jane loves gymnastics, drama and has recently started taking guitar lessons. Charlie plays soccer, Gaelic football and hurling. He also loves playing on his Nintendo Switch. We love the area we live in being only 10mins drive from the city and the beaches. We have public transport into the city just a few steps away from the house and local restaurants, bowling alley and shops within walking distance

부모/보호자 1

직업: Lecturer

부모/보호자 2

직업: Quantity Surveyor

포함 사항

  • 동일 국적의 다른 게스트가 없음
  • 호스트 가족 또는 현지 캠프와의 활동
  • 여행 보험
  • 검증된 호스트 가족
  • 24/7 Famworld 지원
  • 선택적 공항 이송

편의 시설

개인 방
애완동물 - Puppy Shih Tzu
침실 4
욕실 4

오래 지속되는 추억

Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip