Durnin 가족

Louth, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted

우리에 대해

Our home is a detached large 6 bedroom home in the country. It's a quiet area situated approximately 2 miles outside the small town of Ardee in County Louth. We are a busy house/family! We are very communicative and outgoing family, and we live next door to our extended family (Rob's two brothers, so we have lots of cousins visiting in the summer).  Eva and Jack play Gaelic Football and go to training on a Wednesday evening. Shea just started this year also. They go to Athletics on a Tuesday evening also.At weekends, we enjoy going to playgrounds, parks and going for a walk on the beach which is located 30 minutes' drive away.We look forward to welcoming you! Not sure what to include here! 

호스트 가족의 아이들

Male 9 Yrs, 3 Mths
Male 5 Yrs, 8 Mths
Female 11 Yrs, 3 Mths

부모/보호자 1

직업: Civil servant

부모/보호자 2

직업: Engineer

포함 사항

  • 동일 국적의 다른 게스트가 없음
  • 호스트 가족 또는 현지 캠프와의 활동
  • 여행 보험
  • 검증된 호스트 가족
  • 24/7 Famworld 지원
  • 선택적 공항 이송

편의 시설

개인 방
애완동물 - Red setter dog 11 years old
침실 6
욕실 4

오래 지속되는 추억

Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip