Hughes 가족

Dublin, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted 2 reviews

우리에 대해

Our home is a split level, 6 bedroom accommodations. It has an open plan kitchen, dining and living room. We live in a village with a bus route to a big town. The house is surrounded mostly by grass with a tarred driveway. In the village you will find a convenience store, barbers, beauticians, hair salon, church, pizza to go, pub and primary school.  We are experienced hosts who always place wellbeing and care at the forefront. We too are kind, easy going and love a good joke! I usually take my students to the grocery store to choose food items and treats that they would typically enjoy. It gives me a chance to get to know the student and for them to feel relaxed with me. We do trips to the city, nearby towns, places of interest, local events, and of course anything that our student would like to see or experience. We love baking, doing arts and crafts, going for walks, archery and basketball. We love welcoming new students and those who return to our home ❤

호스트 가족의 아이들

Male 10 Yrs, 4 Mths
Female 15 Yrs, 0 Mths
Female 23 Yrs, 8 Mths
Male 20 Yrs, 7 Mths

부모/보호자 1

직업: Homemaker

부모/보호자 2

직업: Pneumatic Technician

포함 사항

  • 동일 국적의 다른 게스트가 없음
  • 호스트 가족 또는 현지 캠프와의 활동
  • 여행 보험
  • 검증된 호스트 가족
  • 24/7 Famworld 지원
  • 선택적 공항 이송

편의 시설

개인 방
애완동물 - 2 cats, 1 dog
침실 6
욕실 3
Antonella (Parent)
June 2023

My daughter Alessia spent two weeks in Ireland with Hebe Adventures and she had an amazing experience. Her host family, the Hughes, was fantastic to her, making her feel immediately like part of their family. She had a great time with the two Hughes daughters who accompanied her on visits to Dublin and Belfast. Alessia lived moments of fun with the host family, but she also had the opportunity to improve her knowledge of the English language and of Irish culture. She also learned a bit of astronomy because she got to observe stars and planets with the telescope! Alessia was very sorry to leave Ireland and her host family and she keeps writing with the two Hughes daughters sometimes. In short, an absolutely recommended experience not only for the improvement of language skills, but also for the personal growth.

Hanane -Parent
June 2023

Every effort of Hebe Adventures, its team and the hosting family was made to make the experience safe and unforgettable. thank you all!


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