Do you know how to correctly write an email in English?

Do you know how to correctly write an email in English?

How to write an email correctly in English?

One of the most important keys to writing a formal email in English is the right tone; For that, you have to know the appropriate vocabulary and language. We must bear in mind that formal English requires a well-defined structure, both in the introduction and in the body of the message.

Let's start with the email address: no nicknames or colloquial words should be used in formal email addresses. Once you have defined your recipient, it is time to start writing the body of the email in English. Your goal is to express your thoughts in a clear and precise way, so in your sentences you must use appropriate words. Use formal language, without colloquial vocabulary and avoid grammatical errors at all costs. Well-constructed and understandable sentences are crucial for communication. In addition to this, the email should be written in a friendly and respectful tone, since you are talking to someone you do not know or with whom you will have frequent contact.

Writing a formal email in English requires the ability to use the right language along with the correct structure. To achieve a successful result, there is one thing we must pay close attention to: making sure that the recipient can understand the content of your message. This implies thinking about the linguistic, structural and cultural characteristics of who is going to read your email.

On the other hand, we must take care of the details of our email. To do this, our first sentence must be polite and pleasant. Words like "okay" and "fine" can go a long way in making a positive impression. It will also help us to use idioms and expressions in English. Likewise, it is important that our email is perfectly understandable, so take the time necessary to correct spelling errors.

Finally, the email should end with a warm thank you and a clear goodbye so that the reader knows that we have finished our message.

But... how to write a formal email in English correctly? In order to achieve that goal without any inconvenience, you must be clear about the final image you want. To begin with, it is essential to master the appropriate vocabulary as well as the structure for formal writing. It is important to create a friendly and respectful tone without using colloquial words and without making grammatical errors. In addition to this, due attention must be paid to the addressee; to understand their linguistic, cultural and structural characteristics. Lastly, take the time to review and write a greeting and farewell in order to specify that the message has ended.

Writing a formal message in English requires a strong knowledge of the language and the culture you are addressing. This means having the ability to form coherent, clear and understandable sentences within a respectful context. You also have to be up to date with the rules established for formal emails. For example, use the appropriate greetings, avoid colloquial language and grammatical errors, take care of the first word of the sentence, as well as the farewell, which must be clear and intelligible. All this will help to impress the recipient in a favorable way, which will improve our communication.

Formal greetings usually follow the following pattern:

"Dear [LAST NAME],"

However, professionals usually omit the recipient's last name in emails. Instead, we use the following greetings more frequently:

"Dear [Name],"

"Hi [Name],"

In general, any of these greetings is appropriate for a formal email; Thus, we will choose the appropriate greeting for the situation with which we are faced.


Once we have made the initial greeting, we will define the content of the letter. The body contains the email information. Next we must take into account some elements that we must include to write a formal email in English:

  1. Reason for the email: indicate the reason for the email.
  2. Subject change: If the email consists of more than one subject, we will separate them with an appropriate phrase to transition between each subject.
  3. Acknowledgment: If we understand that the recipient provides a service or has helped us with something, let's not forget to thank them.
  4. Warm greeting: To show our respect, we constantly close the mail with a warm greeting.

Ultimately, formal emails require careful wording to avoid any ambiguity in the message. On many occasions, certain grammar and punctuation rules are needed for the message to be understood.


Once the information is written, we need a farewell. The way in which we say goodbye depends on how we have started the letter:

  1. Previous greeting: "Dear [Name]," –> Farewell "Best Regards, [Name]".
  2. Pre-greeting: "Hi [Name]," –> Farewell "Kind Regards, [Name]".

It is important not to forget to add our name at the end to avoid confusion.

In addition to knowing how to correctly start and close a formal email in English, there are other details to take into account, such as the choice of words. The tone of respect and courtesy is achieved using a professional vocabulary. These expressions often have a formal connotation and are found in both American and British English.

Some keywords for a formal email would be: certainly, unfortunately, naturally, obviously, admittedly, nonetheless, etc.


Writing a formal email in English can be confusing. However, by learning some basic premises, the process will become much easier. The email should start with a greeting, add the relevant content with a professional and respectful vocabulary and close properly with a farewell. By following these tips and using the right words, we will be able to communicate effectively with our recipients.

Start the email properly. By starting an email with an appropriate phrase, we are showing professionalism and respect for the recipient. A polite greeting like "Dear [Name]" will help us start a conversation properly. Also, by forgetting last names completely we can use shorter phrases like "Hi [Name]".

Once we have opened the letter, the content will be our priority. We must remember to add the appropriate topics and build the paragraph correctly. Also, if the content is something grateful, let's make sure to show our appreciation for the service or help received.

Finally, we properly dismissed our letter. The farewell will be chosen based on how we have started our email. If we have selected a "Dear [Name]", we will use the "Kind Regards, [Name]" to say goodbye. This will allow us to close our conversation in the most appropriate way.

In addition, it is important to remember that both the content and the words chosen must follow a certain tone of professionalism and respect. Before sending the email, check if we have used the correct terminology and if the email, as a whole, follows the proper structure.