Commonly known words in Spanish

Commonly known words in Spanish

The Spanish language, also known as Castilian, is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Here are some countries where Spanish is the official language or one of the main languages:

  1. Spain : As the birthplace of the Spanish language, Spain is the country where Spanish is spoken by the majority of the population. There are also regional languages like Catalan, Basque and Galician.
  2. Mexico : With a population of more than 120 million, Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world.
  3. Colombia : Colombia is one of the largest Spanish-speaking countries in South America in terms of population and area.
  4. Argentina : Spanish is the official language of Argentina, although the country has its own linguistic particularities and regional expressions.
  5. Peru : Peru is another country in South America where Spanish is the primary language, although there is also great linguistic diversity with indigenous languages such as Quechua and Aymara.
  6. Venezuela : Spanish is the official language of Venezuela, located in South America.
  7. Chile : Chile is a Spanish-speaking country in South America, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Andes Mountains to the east.
  8. Cuba : Cuba is a Caribbean country where Spanish is the official language.
  9. Dominican Republic : Located in the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic is a Spanish-speaking country where Spanish is the primary language.
  10. Ecuador : Spanish is the official language of Ecuador, although various indigenous languages are also spoken in the country.
  11. Guatemala : Spanish is the official language of Guatemala, Central America, although many communities also speak Mayan languages.
  12. Bolivia : In addition to Spanish, Bolivia recognizes several indigenous languages as official languages, including Quechua, Aymara and others.

These countries are prime examples of countries where Spanish is widely spoken. There are also other countries and territories around the world where Spanish is an important language due to Spanish colonial history or immigration.

Here is a list of commonly known words in Spanish:

  • Hola - Hello
  • Adios - Goodbye
  • Gracias - Thank you
  • Por favor - Please
  • If yes
  • No - No
  • Amor - Love
  • Familia - Family
  • Amigo - Friend
  • Casa - House
  • Calle - Street
  • Playa - Beach
  • Comida – Food
  • Agua - Water
  • Vino - Wine
  • Coffee - Coffee
  • Libro - Book
  • Escuela - School
  • Trabajo - Work
  • Feliz - Happy
  • Sad - Sad
  • Bueno - Good
  • Malo - Bad
  • New - New
  • Viejo - Old
  • Pequeño - Small
  • Big Big
  • Gato - Cat
  • Perro - Dog
  • Sol - Sun
  • Luna - Moon
  • Estrella - Star
  • Ciudad - City
  • Country - Country
  • Montaña - Mountain
  • Rio - River
  • Tue - Wed
  • Océano - Ocean
  • Nube - Cloud
  • Cielo - Sky
  • Tierra - Earth
  • Árbol – Tree
  • Flor - Flower
  • Fruta – Fruit
  • Verdura - Vegetable
  • Carne - Meat
  • Pescado - Fish
  • Pollo - Chicken
  • Queso - Cheese
  • Pan - Bread

These are just a few examples of many words in Spanish. The Spanish language is rich and diverse, with a variety of words to describe all kinds of things in everyday life.