Some myths to dispel about learning English

Some myths to dispel about learning English

Some students complain that learning English is too difficult. This idea not only doesn't help them, but it's also wrong and is the result of a counterproductive mental approach. More than myths it would be fair to call them excuses. In fact, if we don't achieve results, it may happen that we give up and find reasons to accept the fact as it is. It would be much more useful to ask ourselves why some people achieve these goals and why they manage to become fluent in English in such a short time.

The difference lies precisely in the mental approach and the absence of misconceptions.

In fact, if we think that achieving a goal is difficult, it will most likely become so. Conversely, if we think something is easy, it will almost certainly become easy. This is because the mind is able to condition our experience and our abilities. The best approach is precisely that of not thinking, that is, not having a priori ideas about something. Whether it's easy or difficult, it's important to try and not get the wrong ideas if we don't get what we want right away.

In this article, we list some myths about learning English that are most common among students.

Myth #1: The school course is enough to learn English

English is now a subject taught in all schools, from primary education institutions up to university. Some students think that what they are taught in school courses is enough to achieve a good level of English.

In reality this is only partially true. To be fluent in English, a school course is sometimes not enough. In fact, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge also through targeted programs. That's why summer English courses are one of the best alternatives to progress and become fluent. Therefore, it is not enough to be satisfied with what is taught in school, one must learn to immerse oneself in the language on a daily basis. The more time you are exposed to the language, the less time it will take to become proficient. This is precisely why studying in English is one of the best ways to make progress in a short time. With a holiday in English it is possible to spend a period of a few weeks attending courses in the language and speaking daily with the locals. The best results are obtained if you decide to stay with a host family, as you are continuously immersed in an environment where only English is spoken.

Myth #2: Practicing once or twice a week is enough to become fluent

Another myth to dispel is the one about exercise frequency. Students think that practicing once or twice a week is enough to learn English.

In fact, speaking English every day is ideal for being fluent. You can give an example with yourself. You know Italian because you have been exposed to it every day of your life, not because you learned it in school. The same can be said for another language. Whether it's an Italian or English course, lessons and exercises are essential for understanding grammar and expanding your vocabulary, but to become fluent, it's essential to speak every day.

Myth #3: Only those who learn English at a young age can become fluent

More than a myth, this sounds like an excuse. When students fail to improve they think it is because of their advanced age. But they forget that they too are young and fully cognitive, with all the tools needed to learn a second language fluently.

The main difference between small and large is not in the learning skills, but in the approach. When children talk, they often get it wrong, but they don't care much about it. For them it is a normal thing and they feel no shame in doing it. When you grow up, unfortunately, you lose this lightness, so you feel held back by fear or embarrassment. To become fluent you have to accept the fact that at the beginning you will make many mistakes, but it is starting from these that you can improve.

Myth #4: Once I learn English I may as well stop practicing

Another common mistake is to stop after the first progress. It is believed that becoming fluent in English takes only a few months, after which you can stop. Unfortunately this is not true and, even if excellent results can be achieved in a short time, in order not to lose them, one must keep trained by speaking the language constantly. The best way would be to spend some time abroad. This allows you to speak the foreign language in every situation and improve your understanding skills. One of the most popular tips is to try to take a year and get a job. For the younger ones, a stay in English during the holidays can already lead to significant improvements, and the experience can be repeated every year to get better and better.

Myth #5: Thanks to translators, you don't need to learn English

In an age where we can translate any language with an application on our smartphone, learning English might seem superfluous. In fact, some students think that it is no longer necessary as it once was, without understanding the limitations of technology.

Unfortunately this idea is totally unfounded. In the first place, when we translate a text, the result is not always satisfactory, especially when lesser-known expressions are used. The translator is not able to understand the meaning and sometimes produces wrong results.

Also, when we have to interact with people we need to talk and communicate in real time, so we can't keep interrupting the conversation to use the translator.

Therefore, there is no other tool that can replace the fluency in English acquired through constant effort and study. By investing your time in English summer courses or on an English holiday, you will soon realize that your ability to understand and respond will be superior to that of the software.

Myth #6: If you are not a native speaker it is impossible to become fluent

Often young people start by saying that becoming fluent is an impossible feat for them, stating that only native speakers can be so. So they give up before even trying. However, one need only look around to understand the groundlessness of this myth. There are foreign people who speak English fluently, even if they are not native speakers. The secret? They have lived abroad for some years, in countries such as the United States, England or Ireland.

Whatever the reason, for work or study, living abroad is the best opportunity to become fluent in a second language. That's why these students should think again and try an English holiday. Only in this way will they be able to obtain all the benefits that a stay abroad can offer. Even after only a few weeks, they will immediately notice the first results on pronunciation and the naturalness with which they are able to speak and they themselves will dispel this myth.