La famille Nolan

Dublin, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted

À propos de nous

We have two children, five years old and two years old.Billie-May "loves everyone in the world and Taylor Swift!"Steed "loves cars and Taylor Swift!"Nicola (Momma) loves her babies like crazy and .... Taylor Swift!Our home is happy and vibrant and really comfortable. It is a terrace with four rooms. Our guests sleep in the attic room on the third floor which is a double ensuite with privacy from the busy house. The kids are young and in bed around 8pm so we are pretty quiet from them onwards each evening. I can cook anything but if love to know your favorite foods so you feel welcome and comfortable staying here.

Enfants de la famille d'accueil

Male 3 Yrs, 1 Mths
Female 6 Yrs, 1 Mths

Parent/Tuteur 1

Profession : Consultant

Ce qui est inclus

  • Aucun autre enfant de la même nationalité
  • Activités avec la famille d'accueil ou dans des camps locaux
  • Assurance voyage
  • Familles d'accueil doublement vérifiées
  • Assistance 24/7 Famworld
  • Transferts aéroport optionnels


Chambre individuelle
Chambres 4
Salles de bains 3

Souvenirs qui durent

Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip