La famille Leonard

Tipperary, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted

À propos de nous

We live in a new house with 4 bedrooms. One bedroom room is ensuite. We have an open plan kitchen and dining room and 2 tv rooms. There are 3 bathrooms. We are a fun relaxed family. We are very sporty . My husband plays soccer and golf . I play football and tennis and our son Jack plays football and swims. In the past our students have joined the local sports clubs. We are a large family and like to hang out with our family and friends at weekends. Jack has 18 cousins and most are our neighbours. The cousins all play together after school. In the summer we usually head to the beach for surfing and bbqs.

Enfants de la famille d'accueil

Male 2 Yrs, 3 Mths

Parent/Tuteur 1

Profession : TEFL Tutor

Parent/Tuteur 2

Profession : IT Engineer

Ce qui est inclus

  • Aucun autre enfant de la même nationalité
  • Activités avec la famille d'accueil ou dans des camps locaux
  • Assurance voyage
  • Familles d'accueil doublement vérifiées
  • Assistance 24/7 Famworld
  • Transferts aéroport optionnels

Centres d'intérêt de la famille



Chambre individuelle
Animal de compagnie - Rabbit
Chambres 4
Salles de bains 3

Souvenirs qui durent

Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip