Living with a host family abroad

Par Famworld
Living with a host family abroad

Living with a host family abroad

One of the most widespread dreams among students of almost any age is to travel abroad, learn a new reality, its culture and customs and, incidentally, strengthen their English.

We all know that the best way to carry out this odyssey is precisely through a host family abroad and there are many times that we wonder how that experience should be and the best ways to advise our children about these aspects.

Here we present an article dedicated to these extremes and a series of practical tips to face them in the most optimal way possible.

Live with a host family

If even in our own home living together is sometimes a challenge, the most common thing is to think that living with a host family abroad will be even more complicated.

However the statistics say exactly the opposite.

All the host families surveyed affirm that the coexistence with the students has been really excellent, and they tend to highlight the seriousness and responsibility of the students.

This is largely due to the fact that it is the students who are outside their environment, external to that circle of security and personal comfort that they have carved out throughout their young lives, and this added to the fact that they must communicate in A language other than their native language, makes them especially dedicated and with an extra effort to achieve development in the most natural way possible.

They pay attention, learn and observe to achieve their basic competencies.

The student becomes a member of the host family, neither more nor less, and as such will be subject to the rules of their new home.

In the case of being the host or receiving family, our role is especially important, since we must be able to transmit our knowledge, but also our own routines, culture and customs, often so different from those of the countries that surround us. .

Host family abroad

It must be remembered that host families abroad are very often experts and that it is not the first time that they receive students from around the world.

In addition, if we carry out the management through a specialized agency, they will surely end up putting us in contact with young people of the same nationality so that we better understand their needs and cultural references.

In the case of Irish families, they start with a huge advantage and it is their culture, open, with a European vocation and a long tradition of welcoming Erasmus students from around the world, which gives their citizens their own character that makes them perfect as hosts.


Both being a host family and requiring the help of one of them to send our children to study in a country is an experience difficult to forget and that will mark our character for the rest of our lives.

A series of unique experiences that enrich us as a society and as individuals, which if carried out under the careful tutelage of a specialized company for such purposes, will surely leave us a very positive mark.

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