Keyboard Symbols: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Special Characters

Par Famworld
Keyboard Symbols: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Special Characters

What Are Keyboard Symbols?

Keyboard symbols, also known as special characters, are those characters that are not letters or numbers. These include a wide range of punctuation marks, mathematical symbols, emojis, accented characters and much more. Although keyboard symbols may vary depending on keyboard type and language settings, there are a number of special characters that are common to most keyboards. These symbols are used for various purposes, from writing and mathematics to online communication and programming.

The Most Common Symbols

Before we dive into the details, let's look at some of the most common keyboard symbols and their use:

  1. Spot (.)

The period is used to separate sentences and paragraphs in the text. It is also used in abbreviations.

  1. Eat (,)

The comma is used to separate items in a list and to indicate short pauses in a sentence.

  1. Semicolon (;)

Semicolons are used to separate related but independent sentences in a paragraph.

  1. Two points (:)

Colons are used to introduce a list, quote, or detailed explanation.

  1. Quotation marks (" ")

Quotation marks are used to indicate quotes, dialogues, and to highlight words or phrases.

  1. Exclamation mark (!)

The exclamation point is used to express surprise, excitement, or emphasis.

  1. Question mark (?)

The question mark is used to indicate questions.

  1. Script (-)

The hyphen is used to connect compound words and separate numbers in a date.

  1. Slash (/)

The bar is used to indicate options or alternatives, such as dates or web addresses.

  1. Ampersand (&)

The ampersand is used to represent the word "and" in abbreviations and company names.

  1. Parentheses ( )

Parentheses are used to enclose additional information or clarifications in a sentence.

  1. Brackets [ ]

Brackets are used to indicate additional information in quotes or to emphasize text.

  1. Keys { }

Braces are used in mathematics and programming, but also in languages such as Chinese to group characters.

  1. Asterisk (*)

The asterisk is used to indicate footnotes, multiplication, and to highlight information.

  1. Percent Sign (%)

The percentage sign is used to indicate proportions and percentages.

  1. Degree Sign (°)

The degree sign is used to indicate temperature and angles.

  1. Dollar sign ($)

The dollar sign is used to indicate currency and money.

  1. Pound sign (£)

The pound sign is used to indicate the currency of the United Kingdom and other countries.

  1. Euro sign (€)

The euro sign is used to indicate the currency of the European Union.

  1. Yen sign (¥)

The yen sign is used to indicate the currency of Japan.

These are just a few examples of the most common keyboard symbols. However, modern keyboards offer a wide range of special characters that can be very useful in various situations.

Use of Symbols in Different Contexts

Keyboard symbols are used in a variety of contexts, from writing and everyday communication to programming and mathematics. Next, we will explore how symbols are used in different situations:

  1. Writing and Communication

In everyday writing and communication, keyboard symbols are used to improve clarity and expression. Punctuation marks, such as commas and periods, help structure text and clarify meaning. Exclamation marks and question marks express emotions and questions, respectively. Quotation marks are used to cite words or phrases from other authors, and parentheses and brackets allow additional information or clarifications to be added.

  1. Math

In mathematics, keyboard symbols are essential for performing calculations and expressing equations. Mathematical symbols, such as the addition sign (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and equals sign (=), are essential in equations and formulas. Additionally, the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols are used to compare numbers and express inequalities.

  1. Programming

In the world of programming, keyboard symbols are indispensable tools. Special characters, such as curly braces ({ }), square brackets ([ ]), parentheses ( ), quotation marks (" "), semicolons (;), and others, are used to define code structures, delimit functions, and mark commands. Programmers also use special characters such as the asterisk (*) to perform mathematical operations and the percentage sign (%) to indicate formats and variables.

  1. Emojis and Emoticons

Emojis and emoticons are a modern form of online communication that uses keyboard symbols to express emotions and feelings. Emojis are small, colorful images that represent faces, objects, and animals. Emoticons are combinations of characters that form smiling, sad, surprised faces and other moods. These symbols are used in text messages, social media, and messaging apps to add a touch of fun and expression to communication.

How to Access Keyboard Symbols

Accessing keyboard symbols is easy, as most modern keyboards offer several ways to do so. Here are some common options:

  1. Special Keys

On most keyboards, special symbol keys are located at the top of the letters, and you can access them by holding down the "Shift" or "Shift" key. This allows you to type symbols like the "!" (exclamation point) or the "@" (at sign).

  1. "Alt" key (Option on Mac)

The "Alt" or "Option" key (on Mac) allows you to access special characters via key combinations. For example, you can press "Alt + 3" to type the pound sign (£) or "Alt + 64" for the at sign (@).

  1. Character Maps

On operating systems like Windows, you can use the "Character Map" to access a wide variety of symbols. Simply search for "Character Map" in the start menu and choose the symbol you want to insert into your text.

  1. Keyboard shortcuts

Some apps and programs offer custom keyboard shortcuts to access common symbols. For example, in Microsoft Word, you can type "Ctrl + ;" to insert the degree symbol (°).

Keyboard Symbols on Different Keyboards

Keyboard symbols may vary depending on keyboard type and language settings. For example, Spanish keyboards have accented symbols such as "á," "é," "í," "ó," and "ú," which are not present on English keyboards. Additionally, some languages use special symbols and characters that are unique to their alphabet or language.

To access language-specific symbols, it is important to set the keyboard to the corresponding language settings. For example, if you are using a Spanish keyboard, be sure to set the language to Spanish to access accented symbols and other special characters.

Keyboard Symbols in the Digital Age

In the digital age, keyboard symbols play a crucial role in online communication and expression. In addition to traditional symbols, emojis and emoticons have gained popularity and are used in messaging applications, social networks and email. These small images and character combinations allow emotions to be expressed quickly and effectively, which has revolutionized the way we communicate online.

Emojis, in particular, are a universal form of communication, as they can be understood around the world, regardless of language. From smiley faces to objects, animals and food symbols, emojis add a touch of fun and expression to our digital conversations.

HTML Symbols and Entity Codes

When it comes to creating web pages or writing HTML code, it is important to know entity codes for inserting symbols into text. For example, the copyright symbol (©) is represented as "©" in HTML. These entity codes allow web browsers to interpret and display symbols correctly on web pages.

Here are some examples of common entity codes in HTML:

  • "&" represents the ampersand symbol (&).
  • "<" represents the less than symbol (<).
  • ">" represents the greater than symbol (>).
  • "©" represents the copyright symbol (©).
  • "®" represents the trademark symbol (®).

Knowing these entity codes is essential for creating web content and writing in HTML.

Keyboard Symbols on Mobile Devices

Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, also have their own methods for accessing keyboard symbols. The virtual keyboards on these devices offer a variety of symbols and emojis that can be easily inserted into text messages, emails, and social media.

Some tips for accessing symbols on mobile devices include:

  • Press and hold the related letter key to see options for accents and special characters.
  • Use the emoji key to access a wide variety of emoticons and emojis.
  • Explore keyboard settings to customize shortcuts and symbol options.


Keyboard symbols are fundamental elements in our digital life. Whether you're writing an email, performing math calculations, programming code, or expressing emotions online, keyboard symbols play a crucial role in our communication and expression.

It's important to know the wide range of symbols available on your keyboard and how to access them effectively. Whether you are typing in your native language or a foreign language, keyboard symbols enrich your communication and allow you to express ideas and emotions more effectively.

So, the next time you use your keyboard, remember the diversity of symbols you have at your disposal and how they can improve your communication in the digital world. Keyboard symbols are the key to expressing yourself with clarity, creativity and precision in the digital age.

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