International Women's Day March 8

Par Famworld
International Women's Day March 8

Origins of International Women's Day

From its earliest years, International Women's Day has taken on a new global dimension, both in developed and developing countries. The nascent feminist movement, which was strengthened by four UN-sponsored global conferences on women, helped make the celebration of the Day the rallying point for coordinated efforts to demand the realization of women's rights and their participation in the political and economic process.

The existence of international days predates the creation of the United Nations, but the UN adopted them as a powerful awareness tool. The United Nations celebrates international days, weeks, years and decades, each with a specific theme. By creating these celebrations, the United Nations is promoting international awareness and action on these issues. Each international day offers many actors the opportunity to organize activities related to the theme of the day. The organizations and offices of the United Nations system, and especially governments, civil society, the public and private sectors, schools, universities and more generally citizens, make the international day a springboard for awareness-raising actions. The majority of celebrations have been established by resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly , although some of them have been proclaimed by its specialized agencies .

Here are five key areas that require joint action to prevent women from being left behind:

  • Investing in women, a human rights issue: time is running out. Achieving gender equality remains the main human rights challenge. Progress for women benefits everyone.
  • End poverty: Due to the COVID pandemic and conflict, an additional 75 million people have fallen into extreme poverty since 2020. Immediate action is essential to prevent more than 342 million women and girls from falling into poverty. will not live in poverty by 2030.
  • Implement gender-sensitive financing: due to conflicts and rising prices, 75% of countries could reduce public spending by 2025, which would have a negative impact on the situation of women and on public spending dedicated to essential public services.
  • Shifting to a green economy and caring society: The current economic system disproportionately affects women. Some propose moving to a green economy and a caring society , which makes women's voices heard more.
  • Support feminist change agents: Despite significant efforts, feminist organizations receive only 0.13% of official development assistance.

Celebrating International Women's Day can be done in several ways, depending on preferences and available resources. Here are some ideas to mark this day:

  1. Organize community events: Conferences, workshops, seminars or discussions can be organized to discuss the problems women face in society and ways to solve them. These events can also highlight the achievements of women in various fields.
  2. Online Awareness: Use social media to share information about the history and importance of International Women's Day, as well as to raise awareness about specific women's issues.
  3. Supporting Organizations: Donate to organizations that work for women's rights or participate in fundraising campaigns to support women's empowerment initiatives.
  4. Educate and inspire: Organize educational activities in schools or workplaces to raise awareness of gender issues and inspire women and girls to pursue their dreams and realize their full potential.
  5. Recognize the achievements of women: Highlight the successes and contributions of women in all fields, whether in science, the arts, business, politics, etc.
  6. Support the women in your life: Take the time to recognize and support the women around you, whether by encouraging them in their projects, helping them overcome obstacles, or simply expressing your gratitude and admiration.

The UN and gender equality

The Charter of the United Nations , adopted in 1945, was the first international instrument to affirm the principle of equality between women and men. Since then, the UN has helped create a historic and internationally recognized legacy of strategies, standards, programs and goals aimed at improving the status of women around the world.

Over the years, the UN and its specialized agencies have encouraged the participation of women, as equal partners with men, in achieving sustainable development, peace, security and full respect for human rights. 'man. man. Women's empowerment continues to be at the heart of the UN's efforts to address the world's social, economic and political challenges.


Discover with UN-Women the history of women's activism over past and present generations.

It only takes an instant to spark a revolution, collective actions can transform laws, creative expression can change behavior, and an invention can change the course of history. They are these drops of water in the sea which, despite the obstacles, together form a wave of activism in favor of women.

Ultimately, celebrating International Women's Day is about recognizing the importance of women in society and working together to create a more equal and inclusive world for all.


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