Die Familie Derwin

Waterford, Ireland

Trusted Host Family

Doubly vetted

Über uns

Two story Bungalow big garden My Daughter Rebecca in studying at college and my son is going to the secondary school in mooncoin can be a busy house with soccer and matches my husband Paul works 4 shifts and I iam a hairdresser and I work from home I also minds a aunt two nights a week but either my husband is at home or my Daughter which is 20 is at home I don't leave the house till 8.30 on a Tuesday night and a Wednesday night like I said there are always someone in the house I have been talking students with over 20 years and always made sure that they were made welcome in to our home I take school term students never took summer students so taken students is not a problem in my house and out of all the students I would say 50% of them still keeps in touch with us Walking cycleing

Kinder der Gastfamilie

Female 23 Yrs, 2 Mths
Male 17 Yrs, 3 Mths

Elternteil/Erziehungsberechtigter 2

Beruf: Factory worker

Was ist inbegriffen

  • Keine anderen Kinder derselben Nationalität
  • Aktivitäten mit der Gastfamilie oder in örtlichen Lagern
  • Reiseversicherung
  • Doppelt geprüfte Gastgeberfamilien
  • 24/7 Famworld Support
  • Optionale Flughafentransfers




Eigenes Zimmer
Haustier - 1 maltese house dog and 5 outdoor cats
Schlafzimmer 4
Badezimmer 3

Erinnerungen, die bleiben

Giorgia Famworld Immersion Trip
Carla Famworld Immersion Trip
Ibai Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Irene Famworld Immersion Trip
Matteo Famworld Immersion Trip