Tricks to learn English abroad

Von Famworld
Tricks to learn English abroad

Learning English abroad is a unique and unrepeatable experience. It is not only about studying the language, but about immersing yourself in the culture and way of life of the country. Traveling to learn a new language is becoming increasingly popular, especially among young people. According to data from the British Council, the number of students traveling to learn English has increased by 5% in the last ten years. The United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States are undoubtedly the most popular countries to study English.

Every year, thousands of students travel to the United States, Ireland and the United Kingdom to learn this language, since a wide variety of programs are offered to study English. These countries have the advantage of offering English programs in a large number of cities, allowing students to experience different regions and cultures. In the United States, for example, students can choose between English courses in large cities or in small rural towns. Both countries offer a wide variety of activities for students during their stay.

According to a study carried out by the British Council, the number of university students traveling abroad to learn English has increased by 50% in the last ten years. Ireland is one of the favorite destinations to study English, as it offers a welcoming atmosphere and the people are very friendly. Furthermore, according to the QS Best Student Cities 2019 ranking, Dublin ranks 12th as the best city in the world to study.

Tricks to learn better English abroad  

Many adults, when they think about learning a new language, feel overwhelmed by the idea. They think they have to take grammar and vocabulary classes and study for hours and hours to reach a good level. However, with English, this does not have to be the case. English is the second most spoken language in the world and can be learned in many different ways. Whether in the country of origin of the language, in classes or even through fun activities, there are numerous tricks to learn to speak better English abroad. Here we tell you which are the most effective.

  1. Avoid talking to people from your country.

To learn English, the first thing you should avoid is staying with tourists from your country. If in your group of friends there is always someone who speaks the language, it is very likely that you will end up using Spanish instead of English. Therefore, it is best to make new friends in the countries where you are going to study. In this way, you will be able to practice the language naturally and without fear of making mistakes.

  1. Enroll in an English course abroad

It is important that you choose a quality course, since that way you will be able to learn correctly and efficiently. Find out which is the best English course abroad for you, one that suits your needs, duration and level. In Ireland, for example, there are different programs to study English, we always recommend living a complete experience in an Ireland homestay, it will be the best way to immerse yourself in the culture of an English-speaking country. Although this is not all, if you cannot travel abroad, then we recommend that you investigate the English colonies in your country of origin.

  1. Socialize with the natives

There is no better way to learn a language than by using it in real life. Although at first it can be a bit difficult to communicate with the natives, the important thing is not to be afraid of making mistakes. If you don't understand something, ask; And if you make a mistake, don't worry, I'm sure they often do too. Remember that people are very friendly in Ireland and they will always be willing to help you. Therefore, remind you of the option of making stays with hosting family Dublin.

  1. take excursions

Another fun way to learn English is by going on group excursions. Not only will you be able to discover new places, but you will also be able to practice the language with other people. There are numerous companies that offer this type of activity around the world. So, if you are planning a trip to learn English, do not hesitate to look for one of them.

  1. Give yourself a good dictionary

A good dictionary will be of great help when learning new vocabulary. Although you can use applications like Google Translate, it is much better to have a dictionary in which to look up the words you do not know. In this way, you will be able to follow the thread of the dialogue and not miss any detail.

  1. Watch movies and series in English

If you want to improve your level of listening (listening comprehension), it is best to watch movies and series in English. At first, we recommend that we activate the subtitle so as not to miss any detail, but little by little you will understand more and you can put it aside. If you like movies or television, this is a perfect way to learn the language. You can watch your favorite movies and series in their original version or with English subtitles. In this way, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary used in each episode and improve your listening comprehension.

  1. Listen to music in English

Music is also a good resource for learning English, as it helps you become familiar with the sound of the language. In addition, according to a study carried out by the University of Göttingen (Germany), listening to music activates the same area of the brain as grammar and language synthesis. So start listening to music in English and enjoy the most popular songs of the moment. In this way, you will learn new vocabulary without realizing it. Also, if you like rock or pop groups, you can enjoy your favorite bands.

  1. read books in english

Finally, another way to learn the language is by reading books in English. Reading in English is a very effective way to improve your comprehension level and expand your vocabulary. You can start by reading children's books or storybooks, as they are often easier to understand. You can also read newspapers or magazines in English, since, in addition to improving your level, you will be up to date with the latest news. Although at first you may have some difficulties, over time you will get used to it and you will be able to enjoy English-speaking literature. In this way, you can improve your vocabulary and grammar in a fun way.

These are just a few tips so that you can get the most out of your experience and learn English correctly and efficiently. Don't forget that the best way to learn a language is to use it in real life, so get in touch with the natives, read books, magazines or newspapers in English, listen to music or watch movies and series in this language. And don't forget to practice as much as you can!

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