The best books for learning Italian

Von Famworld
The best books for learning Italian

“Bar Italy”

This book offers articles on Italian society, life, culture and habits, thus allowing students to get closer to the Italian cultural reality, and at the same time to further develop their linguistic knowledge.

Each text presents a specific topic (for example, an Italian Sunday, the dreams and nightmares of Italians, Italians and coffee...) The articles are taken from newspapers and are organized in units of gradual difficulty, suitable for students from A1 levels to C1.

The text includes communicative and interactive activities, but also vocabulary, morphology and syntax exercises, which can be done without the help of a teacher thanks to the solutions.

“One word leads to another”

One word leads to another ” is a text aimed at absolute beginners and students with limited linguistic knowledge.

The book provides vocabulary for everyday occurrences and basic phraseology needed for communication.

The book is made up of twenty-two units divided into various thematic areas:

Meetings; at school; the passage of time; at the restaurant, the character; emotions and sensations; physical descriptions; Health; the family; the House; daily activities; idiomatic expressions such as “what's the weather like?”; expression of one's tastes; leisure; the comunication; food and shopping; meals and cooking; clothing; the sport; a little geography; the city; the holidays.

The book is full of ironic and playful images that depict the vocabulary in a clear and easy to remember way.

All this is contextualized in authentic situations of Italian life and culture. The combination with the solutions available at the end makes the text suitable for self-learners.

“One word leads to another 2”

This book allows foreign students to broaden and deepen their vocabulary.

The text is divided into eighteen units:

What is the weather like?; the environment; character and personality; emotions and feelings; daily activities; the House; household appliances; work and professions; the office and computers; to the doctor; telephone conversations; at the post office and at the bank; food and cooking; the animals; the sport; the city: holidays; fashion and clothing.

The text also provides newspaper articles, passages of literature and, as in the previous edition, the vocabulary is linked to images in order to facilitate memorization.

Each unit includes exercises and activities that involve different communication skills: oral and written tasks, role-playing dialogues, rebuses and crosswords.

Also in this edition the solutions are available at the end of the book, which favors self-taught people.

“New practical grammar of the Italian language”

Susanna Nocchi's grammar is one of the most popular tools for practicing grammar for students from levels A1 to B2.

The grammatical rules are presented in a clear and concise, but at the same time clear and effective way. The tables are immediately understandable.

There are also useful boxes where you can find the most frequently used forms in authentic and practical language.

For each grammatical unit there are exercises and tests that allow students to check their knowledge and progress. Solutions are available at the end of the book.

“Advanced grammar of the Italian language”

This book is aimed at those students who already have a good knowledge of the Italian language and wish to further develop their competence. Therefore, it is recommended for intermediate and advanced level students, from B1 to C1.

The text presents grammatical insights , which, despite being widespread, rarely appear in textbooks for foreigners.

The grammatical points are clear and the exercises and activities provide a lot of information about Italian society and culture. Furthermore, as in the previous volume, there are small boxes with useful suggestions. Solutions are available, which makes this text equally relevant for students who want to deepen their knowledge and for self-taught people.

“Italian verbs”

This book is entirely dedicated to Italian verb tenses and moods, which is considered difficult by many foreign students. The text provides them with useful strategies to deal with these difficulties.

The text is aimed at all students, starting from level A1 up to C1. The units are structured according to a progressive criterion of difficulty, with tests that can be practiced by students and the related solutions. The grammatical sections present various verb tenses, at the same time highlighting their morphological aspects and analyzing their uses.

The book begins with the explanation of the regular and irregular forms of the present indicative and with the use of past tenses. Afterwards, it provides advice on the correct use of auxiliaries. Also includes topics related to concordance.

“Italian for cooking”

This is a must for all Italian language and food enthusiasts! Why? Because with “Italian for cooking” you can learn new vocabulary, stimulate comprehension while reading and learn to prepare delicious Italian dishes. What's better?

Read twelve stories. Each of them describes a recipe and provides insight into Italian culinary techniques. This book is excellent for A2 and B1 level students.

“Italian with comics”

Here we have a new way to enjoy reading in Italian, optimal for comics enthusiasts: "Italian with comics" is a new type of Italian book comprising five volumes. Each volume contains a different comic story: "Rome 2050 AD", "An Italian Story", "The Mystery of Casanova", "Rigoletto" and "Habemus Papam". Each includes many activities and exercises related to the stories.

The first 3 books are ideal for students from A1 to A2, while the other two are perfect for intermediate level students.

“Italian words”

This book presents a selection of exercises and games that encourage memorization and vocabulary development. It is divided into two sections: one lexical, the other grammatical.

The first analyzes words from a lexical point of view, proposing idiomatic expressions and other typical expressions, while the second focuses on grammatical aspects. The book deals with the study of less common topics such as word formation, word order, derivation, alteration, irregularities, synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, suffixes, adverbs and compound words. This text can be used both with and without a teacher, and is aimed at students from level A1 to C1.

“New espresso”

“Nuovo Espresso” is a collection of volumes on Italian for foreigners, divided into six levels provided by the Common European Framework of Reference for language teaching from level A1 to C2.

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